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Based on strength, here are the top ten sidekicks from DC Comics

DC Comics is known for some of the most powerful heroes and villains worldwide. However, it's also a place where fans can find courageous sidekicks. These characters provide support and often exceed the expectations of their mentors in their pursuit of justice.

Some of these sidekicks have grown into heroes themselves, like Nightwing, who used to be Robin and now leads the Teen Titans. They are not just helpers or supporters, but they are companions and partners of the main heroes. Those who are second in command also form their own teams and alliances, such as the Young Justice and the Outsiders.

Sidekicks are a venerable part of the comics industry, but when it comes to DC comics, they have a special significance. DC comics have introduced some of the most iconic and memorable sidekicks in the history of superhero fiction, such as Red Hood, Bat Girl, Wonder Girl, and many others.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are entirely subjective. The top ten powerhouse sidekicks in DC Comics are ordered by their strength, with the strongest saved for last.

From Red Hood to Supergirl: Ranking the top sidekicks in the DC Comics

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10) Red Hood

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Red Hood, the best sidekick in DC Comics, was originally Jason Todd. (Image via DC)
Red Hood, the best sidekick in DC Comics, was originally Jason Todd. (Image via DC)

Red Hood, the best sidekick in DC Comics, was originally Jason Todd, the second Robin who was brutally killed by the Joker. He was later resurrected by the Lazarus Pit and became a vigilante who used lethal force and guns to fight crime. He has a complicated relationship with Batman, who he blames for not avenging his death.

Red Hood from DC Comics is a fascinating character who challenges the conventional notion of justice. He is not afraid to kill the criminals who he thinks deserve it, unlike Batman, who always spares their lives. This creates a conflict between the two, as they have different views on how to deal with crime.

9) Barbara Gordon

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Barbara Gordon is a symbol of resilience and empowerment. (Image via DC)
Barbara Gordon is a symbol of resilience and empowerment. (Image via DC)

Barbara Gordon, as a sidekick in DC Comics, was originally Batgirl, the daughter of Commissioner Gordon and a loyal ally of Batman and Robin. She was a brilliant detective, hacker, and martial artist who fought crime with courage and optimism.

Barbara Gordon is a symbol of resilience and empowerment. Paralyzed by the Joker in a horrific attack, that ended her career as Batgirl, she then reinvented herself as Oracle, the information broker and leader of the Birds of Prey.

She overcame a devastating injury that could have broken her spirit and continued to use her intelligence and skills to help others. Batgirl also inspired many female heroes and fans with her strength, determination, and compassion. She is a role model and a legend in the DC universe.

8) Roy Harper

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Roy Harper as Speedy, the archery prodigy and partner of Green Arrow, was a rebellious and adventurous teenager. (Image via DC)
Roy Harper as Speedy, the archery prodigy and partner of Green Arrow, was a rebellious and adventurous teenager. (Image via DC)

Roy Harper as Speedy, the archery prodigy and partner of Green Arrow, was a rebellious and adventurous teenager who joined the Teen Titans and became friends with other young heroes. He also suffered from drug addiction, which caused him to lose his arm and his mentor’s trust. He later recovered and became Arsenal, a solo hero who used various weapons and gadgets to fight crime.

Roy Harper as a sidekick in DC Comics is more than a fighter. He faced many hardships and challenges in his life, such as abuse, addiction, loss, and betrayal. He made mistakes and learned from them, and he never gave up on himself or his friends.

7) Dick Grayson

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Dick Grayson is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)
Dick Grayson is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)

Dick Grayson is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. He was the first Robin, the Boy Wonder, and the adopted son of Batman. A talented acrobat, detective, and leader, who fought crime with skill and charisma, he grew up from a sidekick to a hero and became Nightwing, the protector of Blüdhaven and a founding member of the Titans.

Dick Grayson took up the mantle of Batman when Bruce Wayne was presumed dead. He is a legacy and an inspiration, and he inherited the values and ideals of Batman but also forged his own identity and path. He inspired many other young heroes to follow in his footsteps, such as Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, and Stephanie Brown. He is a true hero and a leader in the DC universe.

6) Tempest

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Tempest as a sidekick in DC Comics was originally Aqualad. (Image via DC)
Tempest as a sidekick in DC Comics was originally Aqualad. (Image via DC)

Tempest as a sidekick in DC Comics was originally Aqualad, the aquatic sidekick and protégé of Aquaman. He was a loyal friend and ally of the King of Atlantis and helped him defend the underwater world from various threats. He also joined the Teen Titans and became close with other young heroes, such as Wally West and Donna Troy.

Tempest is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics because he is a bridge and a balance. He later discovered his mystical heritage and became Tempest, a powerful sorcerer who could manipulate water and magic. He connects the surface world and the underwater world and acts as a mediator and an ambassador between them.

5) Krypto

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Krypto is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)
Krypto is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)

Krypto is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. He is a white dog with superpowers who arrived from Krypton, the home planet of Superman. He was originally sent by Jor-El to test the rocket that would later save Kal-El from the planet’s destruction. Krypto was lost in space for years until he found his way to Earth and reunited with Superman.

Krypto as the best sidekick in DC Comics is a friend of Superman. He provides emotional support and comfort to Superman, who often feels lonely and alienated on Earth. Krypto is a loyal and heroic dog who helps Superman fight crime and save lives. He is a cute and fun character who brings joy and warmth to the DC universe.

4) Conner Kent

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Conner Kent in DC Comics is a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, created by Project Cadmus. (Image via DC)
Conner Kent in DC Comics is a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, created by Project Cadmus. (Image via DC)

Conner Kent in DC Comics is a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, created by Project Cadmus as a contingency plan against Superman. He escaped from the lab after killing the people who were experimenting on him and joined the Teen Titans as Superboy, a young hero who idolized Superman and wanted to prove himself.

Conner Kent goes beyond being a sidekick. Despite being created as a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, he refused to let that define him. With the support of his friends and mentors, he crafted his identity and shaped his own future. Joining the superhero squad Young Justice and later becoming a member of the Teen Titans, Conner proved himself to be courageous, loyal, compassionate, and always ready to defend his beliefs.

Conner Kent possessed a nature that led him to question and challenge the decisions made by Superman and Lex Luthor at times. He wasn't afraid to make mistakes as he could learn from them. As a character with depth, Conner became an inspiration for fans.

3) Donna Troy

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Donna Troy is the original Wonder Girl, the first sidekick of Wonder Woman. (Image via DC)
Donna Troy is the original Wonder Girl, the first sidekick of Wonder Woman. (Image via DC)

Donna Troy is the original Wonder Girl, the first sidekick of Wonder Woman. She was an Amazon warrior who was gifted by the gods with strength, speed, and flight. She was a founding member of the Teen Titans and a close friend of Dick Grayson and Roy Harper. She later became Troia, a solo hero who explored her destiny and her origin.

Donna Troy is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics because she is a mystery and a miracle. She had a complicated and confusing history that involved multiple retcons, reincarnations, and realities. Donna Troy survived many tragedies and losses that tested her faith and her will.

2) Wally West

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Wally West is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)
Wally West is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. (Image via DC)

Wally West is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. He was the first Kid Flash, the nephew and sidekick of Barry Allen, the Flash. A fast and fun-loving teenager, he admired his uncle and joined the Teen Titans. He also inherited his uncle’s mantle after his death in Crisis on Infinite Earths and became the new Flash, a mature and respected hero who joined the Justice League.

Wally West followed his uncle’s footsteps and became one of the greatest heroes of his generation. He also mastered the Speed Force, the source of his powers, and became faster than any other speedster. Wally West also had a strong connection with his family and his friends, who supported him through thick and thin. He is a cheerful and heroic speedster who always runs towards the future.

1) Supergirl

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Supergirl represents the optimism and the courage of Superman. (Image via DC Comics)
Supergirl represents the optimism and the courage of Superman. (Image via DC Comics)

The cousin and sidekick of Superman, who came from Krypton as a teenager, Supergirl is one of the best sidekicks in DC Comics. She has the same powers as Superman, such as super-strength, super-speed, heat vision, and flight. Supergirl is a bright and cheerful hero, who loves Earth and its people.

Supergirl represents the optimism and the courage of Superman. She faces many enemies and threats, such as Darkseid, Brainiac, and Lobo, and always fights with honor and compassion. She also has a strong bond with her family and her allies, such as Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Stargirl. Supergirl is a powerful and kind hero, who always smiles in the face of danger, and is a favorite among fans of DC superheroes.

Final thoughts

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Sidekicks are an integral part of the DC Comics universe. (Image via Sportskeeda)
Sidekicks are an integral part of the DC Comics universe. (Image via Sportskeeda)

Sidekicks are an integral part of the DC Comics universe. They complement and provide a contrast to the main heroes and often serve as the voice of reason, the moral compass, or the comic relief for their mentors. They also represent the younger generation of heroes, who aspire to follow in the footsteps of their idols.

These sidekicks have evolved over time, sometimes becoming heroes in their own right, such as Nightwing, the former Robin, who leads the Teen Titans. They are more than just assistants or followers - they are friends, family, and allies of the main heroes.

Edited by Susrita Das

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Author: Tiffany Newton

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