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Who is at the top of the Sunday Times Rich List for 2023?

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    The Sunday Times Rich List has just dropped and some big names have made the cut.

    The annual survey estimates the wealthiest people in the UK and this year it features the King, the Prime Minister, and a handful of pop stars, as well as many business people you probably haven't heard of.

    It found there are 171 billionaires in the UK — down from 177 in 2022 and that many people's fortunes have decreased. Sir Richard Branson’s fortune has shrunk by 42.6 per cent to £2.41 billion, for instance.

    But that is still a lot of money, so we won't cry him a river.

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    Aside from Branson, here are some of the biggest names on the list.

    James Dyson

    Coming in at number five on the list, the hoover and airwrap magnate has a wealth of £23bn. A decent wedge.

    Mike Ashley

    The SportsDirect entrepreneur came 49th on the list.

    Richard Branson

    As said, he's lost a bit of money but he is still the 77th richest individual in the UK.

    Lord Sugar

    Best known for starring in The Apprentice, the businessman's £1.074bn coffers landed him spot number 165 this year.

    Sir Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy Shevell

    They have a pretty decent £950m. A pretty penny (lane).

    JK Rowling

    The controversial Harry Potter writer has magicked herself up £875m thanks to her writing talent.

    King Charles III

    With £600m, he comes in at 263 on the list.

    King Charles III, a white man with short grey hair and wearing royal clothing, departs the Coronation service at Westminster Abbey. He holds the orb and sceptre.You can’t even challenge King Charles III’s right to rule anymore Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

    The Warburton Family

    There must be a reason why the saying "the best thing since sliced bread" is so well-known given sliced bread champions the Warburton family have £586m.

    Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murphy

    And sliced bread is clearly better than politics given the PM and his wife have £529m, down £201m from the previous year.

    Lord Lloyd-Webber

    With £504m, the Lloyd-Webber comes in at number 283.

    Sir Elton John

    The Rocketman crooner has £450.

    David and Victoria Beckham

    With £425m, the Beckham's have enough money to support their son through his various bizzare careers.

    Simon Cowell

    Cowell clearly has The X Factor. At number 337, he has £390m.

    Then there is the under 35 list.

    Ed Sheeran

    Sheeran comes in at seventh place with an estimated wealth of £300m. His sixth album Subtract was the UK's fastest selling in 2023.


    Adele came in at ninth with £165m, thanks to selling more than 100 million albums.

    Harry Styles

    Styles is in joint 13th place with £150m.

    Dua Lipa

    Coming in at number 21 is Dua Lipa with an estimated £75m from music, modelling and podcasting.

    Daniel Radcliffe

    Radcliffe was 18th with £92m.

    Emma Watson

    Watson has an estimated wealth of £60m.

    Alright for some, eh!

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